Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Who's footing the "Bill"?

     In an opinion editorial out of USA Today entitled: Our view on campaign finance: Who's buying this election? Who knows?  The author is unnamed so I assume it to be the Editorial Board. This editorial reflects the smear campaigns being launched in our country. The editorial piece is meant to inform the general public on the "Disclose Act". Here is a quote from the editorial:
The Disclose Act, is stalled in Congress. Republicans are filibustering the act in the Senate, and Democrats wrecked the House version by allowing exceptions for powerful special interests such as the National Rifle Association, AARP and the Sierra Club. 
     The editorial itself does a decent job for a short editorial, the only thing that's I found irritating is the when I kept trying to link to the many links it kept crashing my computer.  Except for that, the majority of the links were all USA Today editorials. I think this article could of been a bit more convincing, if it had linked me to some of the more pertinent detailed information and where they had gotten it from. Although they do link you up to some pretty good ones, such as You know you want- to so check it o-out! (sung to the tune of the same song that Sandra Bullock sings in Miss. Congeniality)  Anyway back to the editorial, Even though this editorial is lacking I found it to be enlightening I only hope more Americans do too. What this editorial has urged me to do is one of two things:

1. Write my Congressman/woman and my Senators urge them  for tighter control on this funding
2.  Start my own nonprofit organization. (Rules link, which is one of the links that kept crashing my computer)

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