Sunday, December 5, 2010

Can I Plea the 5th?

     This comment blog is in response to Katie Winters'  blog entitled Hey Hey! Ho Ho! No blood for Acevedo! After reading her blog I found it to be a very good argument for the elimination of the forced blood test given to drivers suspected of driving while intoxicated. Yes, you read it right, I said forced. I would imagine that the only  persons that would consent to this  self  incrimination,  by agreeing to a blood test, would have to be a very inebriated person. I really like that she put links in her blog to back up the argument, which make it even better. I have to stand by Ms.Winter's argument and say that the law enforcing of these blood samples will be challenged in the Supreme Court one day, and it will be because of our 5th amendment right. I also must say that I like the added link to the free designated driver sight. Kudos to you Miss.Winters on a job well done.