Monday, November 22, 2010

Jumping the Gun, Free TV not so Free anymore

      Once again our wonderful United States Government  has jumped the gun. Just as they have in the past with the food chain (remember, it all changed not to long ago) and also in the nutritional value in eggs. They have flip flopped on eggs more that John Kerry did during his run for the presidency.  Which is all water under the bridge, I guess, but when it comes to the FCC's (Federal Communication Commission's)  regulation of  the Television Medias, and the People of the United States to go digital they have made a mistake. The Americas were not ready to do this a year ago (as Bush had ordered during his presidency, and Obama delayed in his first year), and still to this day we are not ready for it. Can you remember a time when you could turn on your television and skip through the channels and tune in every station in your area? Now we have to get up and tune the antenna on almost every station. Not only that, while watching we sometimes have to get up and re-tune the channel in. The channel will freeze up and go out, even on a clear and cloudless day, and what is worse it is worse during the day than it is at night. 
     I did some research to see what could be done to alleviate this problem. The only answer I found is to go out and buy a digital antenna, at a starting price of $50.00, that will only reach out a 30 miles radius. If you want to get stations that are out any further, the antennas start at  $105.00  which doesn't include the instillation of the said antenna. So if you want to have the right to watch "free media television" comfortably you will have to pay. The government has already caused people to buy and attach a little black box to their digital television, which by the way you will need a box for each and every TV in your home. Although, in the government's defense they did give out two $40.00 vouchers to each American household, if you called in and registered for them.
      The cheap box price started at $48.00 if bought at Walmart. The problem I found whith the black box is that it will not shut off, it will go into stand-by but it never shuts off, a waste of precious energy and money. If you believe in the conspiracy theory, then maybe these little black boxes are spying on you! 
     So, now some people will have to go out, buy a black box, an additional antenna, hire a professional to hook it up, and pay the price if they want to be able to watch "free media High Definition television" comfortably sitting on their couch. That is what we call, a not so Free American, TV.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Weeds II

     This Blog is in response to my classmates Blog entitled Weeds.  I must truly say that I agree with it when it comes to making the all natural herb legal.  Not only is our Government spending billions of dollars on research of the plant, they have been doing it since the early 70's. In fact the National Institute On Drug Abuse , the sole administrator of a contract to grow cannabis (marijuana) for research purposes and the only legal source for cannabis in the United States, subcommittee thinks that it should not supply the cannabis for free:

                                  COUNCIL SUBCOMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION:
                                  "The subcommittee emphatically agrees that NIDA
                                   (National Institute On Drug Abuse) should not continue
                                    to supply cannabis to researchers free of charge."

      Tell me, would they be considered a drug dealer in our governments eyes?
     Back to my classmates blog. I feel it is well written and I totally agree with them.  I only wish that they would of included a link or two to support their claims.  Anival, other than overlooking that slight detail, what I would consider a necessity, you did a fine job. Oh sorry,  one more thing the government doesn't agree with how you spelled Cannabis.